Lexwork is a reputed, independent, professionally managed full service law firm in India, which is based in Mumbai. Lexwork distinguishes itself through excellence in service and via focused and personal approach. The firm specializes in corporate and commercial laws, arbitration, alternate dispute resolution, information technology, communication, cyber laws, criminal litigation, consumer laws, civil dispute, e-commerce, employment and industrial relations, logistics, software contracts, financial matters, mergers and acquisitions, mediation, negotiable Instrument act, trade and transport, customs and excise, trade mark litigation and are proficient in documentation including loans, mortgages, franchise agreements, security documents etc., negotiating for and behalf of client, also liasioning with government officials, drafting of pleadings and all other kinds of litigation in Court. The firm has an intensely research based work method and handles complex legal transactions. The firm offers a modern approach to legal needs through its multi-faceted team. Lexwork brings the skills and expertise of a larger firm in a leaner, mid-sized efficient and more approachable legal package. The firm believes in their core values of providing legal services of highest technical and professional standard with creative and innovative approach, responsive to their client’s requirement.


Steven Simon

Main mechaninc

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George Stevens


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David Smith


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Corrupti quisquam, odit! Mollitia, porro. Quidem officiis, harum tempora, voluptates distinctio quis


Howarrd Newman

Computer Specialist

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